Hello friends! The season is upon us once again. Are you hustling and bustling?
I am finally getting around to introducing my quaint & quirky little ShowBox Dollyramas. I don't know why it has taken me so long to get this show on the road and to start talking about it here on the blog, except to say that it's been a bit of a juggling act getting all the particulars in order while a lot of my attention was on PatternBee stuff and the photo album project. Which I am happy to say, is nearly done now. Whew!
Plus, there have been a few other distractions. Some happy and welcome, but others quite sad and serious. My "little" six-foot-five brother was diagnosed with stage 4 bone cancer a few months ago and told me he doesn't expect to get well. I am having trouble accepting this and sit and stare at nothing for long periods of time. Processing. Praying for a miracle. Wishing I could kiss and make it better, like when we were kids. Frank has always been alarmingly accident prone, being more of the daring adventurous type. And I would often carry him home and patch him up after one of his various mishaps. Then I'd bean him over the head for being a dope.
My heart is breaking.
I've just been keeping my head down and my hands busy, allowing my mind to drift into a blissful make-believe world where nothing bad ever happens. Where life is peppermint candy and sparkles and music and sunshine. Like a Hallmark movie, I can pretend we all live in a town called, Cookie Jar. That was an actual name they used one time and it made me smile. I think towns should have cute names like that.
Speaking of cute. . . here is a cute distraction. My new ICY "Blythe" wanna-be. Oh my goodness she is adorable. She is our prop doll, a model for accessories like tiny candy canes. (Check out Grace's shop, The Dainty House for those. Link in the side bar).
Miss Icy (haven't named her yet), arrived nude, so I got busy and made her presentable. A simple holiday outfit seemed right for the season. Believe it or not, her top is fashioned from a scrap of natural cotton batting. It's so soft and gives the appearance of an angora sweater. Three snaps in back make it easily removable. Red-ribbed stretch knit for the leggings. The shoulder capelet is felt with a cotton plaid lining, faced and tied with narrow bias binding. It all came together so well, I was quite tickled.
But I really had no idea about what to do for her shoes. I traced her foot, cut out some felt and started stitching. These were the result: Elf boots! Of course. They are perfect. I made a few more in different colors and put them in my etsy shop for fun. Maybe you know a doll with cold feet that needs these as much as mine did.
My ShowBox dolls are finally on display and needing a new home. I love these girls so much. It's going to be hard to let them go. (My kids will tell you!!) Each is unique. The time spent creating and fussing over them is ridiculous. But because I enjoy every aspect of it, that makes it OK, right?
For now, I have six little dollyramas, each with her own story--capturing a snippet in time. All wrapped up and ready to go! Please pin them, share them and check them out on etsy at MeadowSweet Workshop.
Gotta run dear ones. Have a great day and thanks for stopping by.