We have yellow roses!
Yellow roses galore.
Lots of pretty roses, just steps from the garden shed door.
I still can't believe it. And they smell SO wonderful. Can you tell how tickled I am with these? If you've been reading my blog for awhile you may remember the problem I had with wandering deer grazing through my yard and munching rosebuds, and having to be so vigilant with deer repellant spray (story and recipe here). Then we fenced the property--and it's been a triumph to have roses again. To watch them come into bloom without work or worry.
They grew fast. We only planted them last fall--after the Mister brought home a couple of pots that the local nursery was giving away at the end of the season. They were basically sticks, so we only knew from the tags that they were yellow climbers. Having no available place to plant them, Ginger and I built a bed behind some picket fencing that borders the herb garden with concrete stones that we found around the yard. I've been watching the vines weave their way up the pickets, watching from the kitchen window, waiting for the show.
Down at this end, the perennial herbs are popping up. The comfrey is enormous again and fell over after the last rain. Time to chop it up and throw it in a barrel of water--which will make a foul-smelling fermented "tea". Why? Because it makes the BEST natural fertilizer and will help seedlings grow fast. And it's FREE from Mother Nature.
Summer has arrived!
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