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The flowers are so pretty and vibrant. I am with you on staring at nature and not wanting to do anything else;)

Oh the scotties are so sweet and they each have names? How cool!


Gorgeous light and color in that first photo. The colors are fading rapidly around here.

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What amazing colors those flowers are. A very unusual combination. I like things growing in the garden that lend interest year round, and your Glory Bower certainly does that.

Autumn is seeming to pass so quickly this year. I wish it would linger just a bit longer. With Thanksgiving falling so close to December though, I know I'm going to feel like the Christmas season is a little bit sooner than I'd like, no matter what. Today I've been embroidering your Turkey Wearing an Apron pattern, onto a dishtowel. I'm enjoying it, very much, as it is going quickly and pretty easily, although I haven't done line embroidery for quite awhile. I do love these old patterns.


grey rabbit

Wow I have never seen anything like that tree before , it really is spectacular and I could look at those berries all day. I wonder if they are that colour as a kind of natural poison warning ? and how big are they ? I would love one of those in my garden but it is probably too cold and damp here in north west England.
The scottie quilt is lovely and you have somehow managed to give them a slightly different character !


My goodness! That is the most amazing berry. It is gorgeous. Glad that you are enjoying a beautiful autumn. The foliage you've shown is so lovely and has so many hues,

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