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Oh I am going to have to try this. Thank you for posting. Clarice


You can store the peeled cloves in olive oil in a jar, in the fridge, for quite a long time - several weeks or even months (I can't remember) and then you also have garlic flavoured olive oil to cook with!


Ingenious !

Natalie VV

Gadgets that work: One of life's delights.

Judy @ daily yarns


My 1st Bambina !

Very nice kitchen gadget ... Thanks for sharing a review on it !!!


I got one recently too and it was so easy to use but... I can't seem to clean it properly and it's stinking up my house! Any ideas?

Reply from Turkey Feathers: Mine hasn't reached the stinky stage yet! Ha! But if it does, I might try soaking it in warm water with a teaspoon of baking soda, or a little white vinegar. I use an old toothbrush (I keep under the sink) to scrub the inside after each use.


I watched the movie La Cucina last night and Rachel Hunter's character was peeling garlic with one of these tubes - not exactly the same as yours but the same concept. We use lots of garlic in our house and I hate peeling it, too, so my first thought was "I need one of those!"

Mom Wald

Hallelujah! Thank you and pass the pesto!

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